Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -james 1:27




things to bring:

Make sure you have your passport up to date and/or green card.

$40 cash or Venmo

Memo: Mexico One Day Missions

We will meet at the Lifepoint building 5:15am and leave by 5:30am sharp.

ETA: 3.5-4 hours

Ministry: short worship service, fellowship with children

Then we will do ministry there that consist of short worship service, then just spending time with the children.

Most times girls do craft, and boys will play soccer.

Then we will eat lunch, and we will leave around 2pm.

we will arrive at the border crossing around 4pm and depending on the border crossing wait time, we will arrive at church by 9pm.

-Comfortable clothes.

-Snacks for the car ride (Lunch will be provided for us and the orphanage, and there will be a couple of stops were you can purchase and try mexican snacks)

-little cash if you want to buy snacks from the mexican store

-light breakfast. (some people just wait to eat tacos for luch)

-if you want you can bring neck pillow to sleep in the car ride

-ipad/iphone with movie (to watch on the way back. border wait time coming back varies 45min~3hours)

-power bank to charge your device.

(verizon/att/tmobile unlimited plans have free included roaming for mexico, usually 2GB/per day 4G and then turns into unlimited 3G) you need to turn roaming ON in cellular data option.



-lots of LOVE for the kids.

-Your US passport/green card (you can go to mexico without it but you wont be able to come back)


1. There are about 40 kids right now. Many of the kids come from broken families. Many of their parents are in jail or rehab from drugs, alcohol. Many of the children have also had abusive parents, so social services took them away. They are really broken and have not received their needs physically/emotionally/spiritually. Lift them up to the Lord, and let's be Christ's body for them. Let's be their family in Christ.

2. Pray for safety in our commute, strength for our drivers, and for smooth crossing in and out of Mexico.

(we are going through the highway 1, right after we pass the border, we are not entering Tijuana so it is very safe. Ensenada is a tourist city so it’s very safe. Nonetheless lets pray for safety and God's protection.

3. Pray for our hearts, to have the right attitude, and humble heart to be used by God. We are not better because we come from America, but we do have a command from God, to visit the Orphans. Let's pray to desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be a good witness of our Lord Jesus to them. And also pray to God to reveal to you if you want to continue to be part of this mission as a continual goer, or supporter in the future.
